This is a collection of all the work I've done for my Educational Media Minor.
Web Design for Learning
"Students will develop an intermediate understanding of the principles of website design including the use of HTML and design templates. Note: Server space will be provided for one semester. Students may move their websites to another server space afterward." -James Madison University Course Catalog |
Video for Learning
"Students will develop an intermediate understanding of the principles of instructional video design, production and post-production editing including the use of related hardware and software" -James Madison University Course Catalog This page contains the three video projects I did for this class as well as descriptions of each video and my design choices. |
Instructional Technology
"Principles and procedures of a teaching/learning process designed to provide reliable, effective instruction to learners through systematic application of instructional technology. Includes selecting, producing, evaluating and utilizing non-print media and equipment for application to instructional process." -James Madison University Course Catalog You'll find that my work for this course explores different media applications using Duolingo as it's core focus to tie all the pieces together. |
Visual Literacy
"This foundational course will cultivate the ability to evaluate and create conceptual visual representations. Students will practice the necessary critical attitude, principles, tools and feedback to develop their own high-quality graphics for learning and performance. Topics also include the impact of visual literacy on the learning process related to instructional design, instructional technology and information presentation." -James Madison University Course Catalog Classwork and in-depth descriptions can be found in the link. |