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Picture book: The ABC's of Magical Creatures.
The picture book assignment was my favorite by far. I got to combine my artistic talents off screen (watercolor painting) with the digital skills I've spent this semester practicing. This project was by far the most time consuming and I learned that it's really important to have a plan when executing a large scale project. If I were to change anything I would go back in and add more about the magical creatures featured in the book as well as add a story aspect to it in the beginning.
Creating Symbols Activity.The creating symbols activity was one of the first projects of the semester. It had us explore some of photoshops capabilities and create five different images from the same photograph of a shoe. One illustration, one image related graphic, one concept related graphic and an arbitrary image. The exercise was taken from Ralph Wileman's book called Visual Communicating.
Image Editing Activity.This was our first activity in LTLE 372. The objective was to combine the two images provided (the seal and beach ball) in photoshop and make them look as one. We also had to digitally remove a boy who was standing next to the seal using photoshop. This was the intended result.
Instructional Handout Activity.The instructional handout activity was a collaboration activity we did in and out of class where we had to write (and show) how to do something. Meghan Schaaf and I chose a simple one with "How to Make a PB&J Sandwich." I took all the photographs outside of class and we added them along with our six simple steps on Powerpoint. I think I would organize the slide differently if I were to go back and change anything. Or possibly take a cartoon approach instead of photographs.
Grear Letter Form Activity.For the Grear Letter Form Activity, we were asked to take a single letter and play around with it on the page using Powerpoint. I chose an 'S' for my name. Then I chose the background design because I found the geometric pattern interesting and felt it had potential. We were supposed to create four images and then at the end combine them in photoshop to create a composite image.
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Color Activity.For this assignment, we used Peter Piper's Palette Picker and created three color schemes. One monochromatic composition, One with an illusion of overlapping or transparent hues and one of Itten's contrasts.
Website Re-design Activity.For this assignment, we were split into groups in class and given the choice between a few websites that were outdated or contained design errors. This is our final re-design of the website. We cleaned it up, made the colors more consistent and the contact information/hours of operation more prominent and easier for a user to find.
Visualizing a Process Activity.For this activity, we were given six steps on how to withdraw cash from an ATM machine. We were asked to communicate it primarily through images with as little text as possible. We were also given the choice of how we wanted to communicate this information. I chose to hand draw each step. If I were to do anything differently I would have taken the time to clean it up in photoshop after drawing it.
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Storyboard That Activity.For this assignment, we were asked to create a six-panel storyboard using Storyboard That! My storyboard is about the struggles and stresses of the midterm season.
Poster Design Project.For this project we simply had to design a poster. I wanted the focus of my poster to be the picture of the nature reserve. All the colors of the fonts and boarders correspond with the photograph and the most important text (the dates of the meetings) is in green with lines framing it to draw the viewers attention there next.
Typography project.We had to create an image using typography that represented that image. I chose to make the empire state building and incorporated the names of some of the boroughs of New York, the popular nickname for the city "The big apple" and lyrics from the popular Alicia Keys song "New York".
Infographic Activity.As far as infographics go I feel like this does visually show the information it's trying to get across. However, I found it difficult to illustrate some of the symptoms of mental illness and just have a box instead. I also feel like it could be expanded upon and ways to take care of, or monitor your personal mental health could be incorporated into the infographic.
Multimedia Powerpoint.Below is the interactive powerpoint file about bullet journaling. There's no way to incorporate it visually into the portfolio without taking away it's interactive capabilities, but feel free to peruse. It features a number of slides about what bullet journaling is, how you can use it and what materials you can use/where to buy them.
Powtoon Activity.For this activity, we had to create a short video using Powtoon about a topic of our choice. Ever the notebook enthusiast I am, I chose to make a Powtoon video about travel journals, how you can use them and even my personal connection to them with my trip to Italy this summer.
Slide Re-design Activity.We did the slide re-design activity twice. The first time we were asked to use as little text as possible to communicate the information given. We were also asked to also fix any design errors we found in the slides. The second time we went back to re-design the slide we were asked to pay particular attention to color. This is my final product for both edits. All of the colors on the slide correspond with the colors of the tree frog. I have the most significant parts of each fact bolded and large. The look I was going for was something with a National Geographic kind of feel.